


Bill Eigel Wants To Put An End to Election Fraud in Missouri

Do you trust the machines that are counting our ballots in Missouri elections?  Bill Eigel does NOT!

We almost certainly will never know the actual vote totals for the 2020 election.  Today, our elections and voting rolls remain vulnerable for fraud.  Senator Bill Eigel already championed election integrity in the Missouri Senate and helped pass legislation that required a photo ID to vote, required paper ballots to be used by election authorities, and eliminated the use of ballet-harvesting drop boxes that were rife with corruption.

Now, as a primary plank in his campaign for Governor of Missouri in 2024, Bill Eigel is proposing a plan that will TERMINATE all the voting machines in Missouri.  This will restore Missouri to hand-counting of all ballots just like America did for its first two centuries of existence and like most every other democracy in the world is still doing today.

We must not only eliminate the machines.  We must also stop sharing private voter data with out of state special interests, restrict the use of absentee voting and the acceptance of early voting to prevent fraud, and restore integrity to our electoral process.  Otherwise, we will lose our state and our Republic.

You can support Bill Eigel and his election integrity efforts by signing up TODAY to be a part of his team to help get this message out as 2024 approaches.

Let’s Go Missouri!!!! Sign up to support Bill Eigel TODAY!!


Stand with Bill Eigel in the fight for Missouri’s Future.