


Petition: Support Bill Eigel’s “Fire Them All” Act

Sign the Petition:  I Support Senate Bill 651 the “Fire Them All” Act to RECALL the entire City Of St Louis Political Swamp


On February 18th, 16-year old Janae Edmondson suffered permanent harm while visiting St Louis from Tennessee.  She was struck by a vehicle driven by a robbery suspect that had violated his bond arrangement more than 500 times while the circuit attorney, Kim Gardner, did nothing.

Both of Ms Edmondson legs had to be amputated less than 24 hours after the St Louis City Board of Alderman finalized a inside deal to double their annual salaries at the taxpayer’s expense.

The status quo must not continue in St Louis City government.  

As most anyone is now acknowledging, Kim Gardner should resign or be fired.

But a mess this big in St Louis–which has suffered a decline since World War II that includes record violent crime levels, an exodus of population and economic opportunity, and the defunding of municipal law enforcement services–did NOT happen on the watch of just one person in one elected position.

It took the collective incompetence and willful negligence of the entire City of St Louis government for multiple decades to make such a disaster a reality inside the borders of the Show Me State.

Which is why they ALL should be fired.

This week, I filed Senate Bill 651 which would lead to the RECALL of the entire St Louis City political establishment; the Mayor Tishaura Jones, the Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, and EVERY member of the St Louis Board of Alderman.

A new path for St Louis City won’t be realized hoping for a different result from the same politicians.

The disastrous refusal and inability to protect the rights and freedoms of the residents of St Louis City has affected not only every resident who lives there, but every Missouri citizen whose state is being held back by the rotten St Louis City political swamp.

I think every member of the St Louis political machine that got St Louis to this point should share in the accountability.

Sign NOW to become a Citizen Cosponsor of my bill to fire the entire swamp in St Louis City.

Let’s Go Missouri.



Sign the Petition:  I Support Senate Bill 651 the “Fire Them All” Act to RECALL the entire City Of St Louis Political Swamp


Stand with Bill Eigel in the fight for Missouri’s Future.